Solo A7 Detector Duster Aerosol

Obsolete Available while stocks last


Dirty or contaminated detectors may cause false alarms. Conversely, they may lead to delays in detection and alarm activation. Visual dirt on the outside of a detector is an indication of possible problems on the inside (although a clean outside is not necessarily indicative of a clean inside).

The Solo A7 Detector Duster is one of several devices those involved in cleaning will require.

While all 'air dusters' may look the same there are three key factors in selecting a good one for use in cleaning fire detectors:

  1. That it has been designed and manufactured by a reputable organization.
  2. That it is non flammable
  3. That it has a strong / powerful 'burst' of gas (although this may mean that there are 'less bursts per can' the burst has to be powerful for the product to be effective!)

Solo A7 Detector Duster is:

  • Non-flammable
  • Powerful
  • Simple to use
  • Non-abrasive
  • Large 250ml size

As with any form of cleaner or test device, the Solo A7 Detector Duster needs to be used within an overall professional program - in this case one of cleaning and recalibration.


  • Model: SOLOA7-001
  • Shipping Weight: 1 kgs
  • Manufactured by: No Climb
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