Scantronic i-on50EX

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Update: Release 4.03 software is now available for the i-on50EX. Click here for more details. If you wish to upgrade a UK i-on50EX then please click here. If you wish to upgrade an i-on50EXEUR then click here.

The i-on50EX (and its European variant i-on50EXEUR) is a hybrid wired/wirefree control unit suitable for Grade 2 or Grade 3 alarm systems, compatible with PD6662:2010 and BS8243. One i-on50EX control unit can operate up to 50 zones by using expanders sharing a single bus cable. Different types of expander allow either wired or wirefree detectors in the same system. The bus cable also allows the installer to connect keypads or extra power supplies wherever they are needed.

The system uses the same keypad, radio peripherals, communicators and the 760ES radio bell as the other control units in the i-on range.

The expandable i-on platform offers a range of clear benefits to installers, these include:

  • Decimal expansion system
  • Performance bus technology
  • Semi-automatic addressing 
  • Bus device locator


The i-on50EX provides a socket for an add-on communication module. The i-on50EXD variant (i-on50EXDEUR for Europe) also provides a built-in communicator. The available modules are:

  • i-dig02. A PSTN digital communicator
  • i-sd-02. PSTN speech dialler and digital
  • i-gsm02. GSM speech, SMS and digital


A coated steel case houses the control unit’s pcb, power supply and one 17A backup battery. The case is designed for vertical mounting on a wall, and provides up to five fixing points. The case can be butted up to side walls or a ceiling without blocking the lid. The lid is fixed by a single screw, and can be hung from the case back when open.

Zone Connections

The control unit provides connections for up to 10 wired zones. These zones can be either all Closed Circuit (CC) or all Fully Supervised Loop (FSL). The Installer can select the zone wiring type during initial commissioning, or at any time after. The Installer can make the wiring type of the expanders either CC or FSL, independently of the wiring type of zones on the control unit.


The control unit provides connectors for three programmable outputs which can be used to control external equipment (two transistor outputs and one voltage free changeover contacts). In addition there are dedicated external bell and strobe outputs. Expanders also provide connectors for additional external sounders and outputs.

A separate set of 16 pins on the control unit pcb provide programmable outputs designed to control a separate digital communicator.

If required the Installer can connect one 16 Ohm extension loudspeaker to increase the audibility of setting and unsetting tones. Each expander also provides connectors for a 16 Ohm extension loudspeakers


The i-on50EX uses i-kp01 keypads with keypad firmware version 2 and above. The keypad has a two line by 20 character backlit LCD display and a built in proximity tag (prox tag) reader. All keypads connect directly to the system bus.

Users can set and unset the system or partitions from the keypad, either by keying-in access codes or presenting a prox tag. (Note that a system requires at least one wired keypad.)


The EXP-W10 wired expander provides connections for either 10 FSL zones or five CCL zones, one loudspeaker and four wired programmable outputs

The radio expanders provide channels for either 10 radio detectors (EXP-R10) or 30 radio detectors (EXP-R30). In addition each radio expander provides channels for: two radio keypads, two external radio sounders and two Wireless Accessory Modules (WAMs). Each radio expander also provides wired connections for a Loudspeaker.

Other Connectors

The USB (Universal Serial Bus) and Ethernet ports on the control unit pcb provide two different methods of connecting an external PC (personal computer) to the control unit.

The USB port allows an Installer to program the control unit through a local connection by USB cable from PC to control unit.

The Ethernet port also allows a local connection to a PC. The Ethernet connection is designed to allow an Installer to program the control unit through a series of web pages presented by a built-in web server running on the control unit.

Part Setting or Partitioned System

The i-on50EX offers two basic ways of behaving as an alarm system.

In Part Set Mode the i-on50EX can set in either Full set or three varieties of Part Set.

In Partition Mode the i-on50EX provides the equivalent of 5, smaller, independent alarm systems. Each system is a “Partition” of the i-on50EX. Each zone can belong to more than one Partition. Each Partition can have a Full Set level and one Part Set level. During programming the installer can allocate keypads, sounders or outputs to any of the partitions.

Security Grade

During initial power up (and if you reset a system to factory defaults) the system provides an opportunity for you to set various system options in one step in order to program the system for either EN50131-1:2009 Grade 2 or EN50131-1:2009 Grade 3.

You can override any of the settings by selecting individual options in other parts of the Installer Menu. Note that if you do so then the system may no longer comply with the selected Grade.

Programming the System

As an installer you can program the system in any of three separate ways:

a) From the keypad.

b) From a PC or laptop connected to the control unit via Ethernet cable, and using a web browser (IE 8 recommended).

c) From a PC or laptop connected to the control unit either over the PSTN or via the USB port, using i-on Downloader software.




Product namei-on50EX or i-on50EXD.
Product Description50 zone hybrid endstation with remote keypads.
ManufacturerCooper Security Ltd.
EnvironmentalClass II.
Operating temperatureTested -10 to +55°C.
Humidity0 to 93% RH, non-condensing.
Case materialSteel.


Control unit320 x 400 x 98, mm HxWxD.
Keypad115 x 156 x 34, mm HxWxD


Control unit4.9 kg (without stand-by battery).
Keypad0.26 kg


Zones50 max (with expanders) 

16 plug-by communicator outputs on control unit, plus 50 max for the rest of the system, comprising:

3 wired on control unit (two transistor and one relay)

4 transistor based on each wired expander.

8 radio outputs on each 768/769.

2 radio outputs on each 762

Expanders and Wired Keypads20 max devices (see note 1) 
Radio Keypads5 max (two per radio expander) 
External Radio Sirens5 max (two per radio expander) 
WAMs5 max (two per radio expander), repeater mode only 
LoudspeakersOne on control unit, one per expander 
Plug on communication modulesOne only 
Other ports1 x USB, 1 x Ethernet 
Partitions5 (see note 2) 
Calendar Set Timers5 max 
Log capacityUp to 750 events: 500 mandatory events, 250 non-mandatory. Stored in EEPROM memory, available for at least 10 years without power. 
Internal Clock±10 minutes over one year. 
User Codes100 (plus installer code) 
Remote controls100 (one per user) 
Radio Hold Up Devices100 (one per user) 

1. Wired keypads, wired zone expanders, radio zone expanders, and power supply modules are all bus devices. You can connect any combination of these devices to the bus.
2. The system can be used as EITHER a partitioned system OR a part setting system. When used as a part setting system there are four setting levels available: Full Set and Part Sets B, C and D.

Security GradeEN 50131-1:2009 Grade 2 or 3
Radio detector differs16,777,214 (2^24 -2).
Radio SupervisionProgrammable.
Number of access codes100 plus installer
Access code differs

10,000 differs with 4 digit codes.

1,000,000 differs with six digit codes.

All digits may be any number 0 to 9.

Code blockingBlocked for 90s after 10 incorrect codes in series.
Proximity tag differs4,294,967,296 (2^32)

Power Supply

This product complies with the requirements of EN50131-6 Type A power supply at Grade 3 and environmental class 2.

Power supply typeA
Mains power supply requirements230VAC +10%/-15%, 170mA max, 50Hz.
Total power supply capacity:


(of which 750mA is used for battery recharge and 750mA is available for powering the system).

12V Aux supply*:500mA max
12V Bell supply500mA max
Comms power supply*:400mA max
12V Expander Bus*:400mA max
LS connectors280mA in alarm.

*Note: The ratings given here represent the maximum current that can be drawn before triggering over-current protection.

EN50131-6 ratings

The table below shows the current consumption of the control unit and each device that can be fitted to it.

CIE power requirement:

120mA min.

200mA max

Keypad power requirement:

30mA (backlight off)

45mA/65mA (backlight on)

60mA in alarm

Wired Expander requirement

20mA max quiescent.

300mA in alarm if sounder connected.

Radio Expander requirement

40mA max quiescent

320mA in alarm if sounder connected.

Battery charging requirement:750mA per battery (recharge within 24 hrs)
Plug-on Communicator power requirement:20mA quiescent
50mA max (i-sd02 or i-dig02)
Plug-by Communicator pins require:3mA each when active.
10 FSL zones20mA
5 CCL zones30mA
12V Bus output voltage range :10±0.5V to 13.8V
12V Aux output voltage range:10±0.5V to 13.8V
12V Bell output voltage range10±0.5V to 13.8V
Max p-to-p ripple voltage:0.5V
Standby Battery:12V, 17Ah sealed lead acid (not supplied)
‘Low battery’ fault at:< 12V
Aux power output fault at:< 9V
Deep discharge protection at:10±0.5V
Serviceable components:Mains fuse: 250mA (T)

Electromagnetic Compatibility

ImmunityConforms to EN50130-4.
EmissionsConforms to EN61000-6-3.


O/P 1Voltage free, single pole relay contacts rated 24VDC @ 1A.
O/P 2 - 3Open collector transistor, +12VDC when inactive, 0V when active. 500mA max.
Plug-by O/P 1-16Open collector transistor +12VDC when inactive, 0V when active, 50mA max.
LS 1 (loudspeaker)Min impedance 16 Ohm per output, current consumption = 280mA in alarm.


The control unit has a replaceable T250mA mains fuse.

Electrical Safety

Conforms to EN60950-1.


If you wish to connect the i-on50EX control unit to a PC using either the Ethernet or the USB port then make sure that the cables have the following specifications:

EthernetCat5e patch cable, RJ45 male plugs at each end, suitable for 10/100Base-T.
USBMini-B plug for control unit end, USB-A for PC end. Max length 3m.

Radio Expander and Keypads

RadioOperating frequency 868.6625MHz Narrowband.
 EN 300 220-3.
 EN 300 330-2
Transmitter rangeThe range of the transmitters compatible with this control unit depends on the environment in which they are installed. As a guideline, most transmitters will work up 200m range in free space conditions.

Compliance Statements

The i-on50EX and i-on50EXD are compliant with EN50130-5 environmental class II.

The i-on50EX and i-on50EXD are suitable for use in systems designed to comply with PD 6662: 2010 at grade 3.

When installed correctly the i-on50EX and i-on50EXD are capable of compliance with EN50131 at Grade 3.

To maintain Grade 3 the i-on50EX and i-on50ESD must be fitted with a communicator of level ATS4 or above.

When fitted with radio devices the i-on50EX and i-on50EXD are capable of compliance with EN50131 at Grade 2.

The i-sd02 is compliant with EN50136-1 as an ATS2 communicator.

The i-sd02 may be used as a supplementary communicator at Grade 3.

At Grade 2 the i-sd02 provides a compliant communicator for the i-on50EX and i-on50EXD provided that:

  1. It is installed in accordance with the installation instructions.
  2. The connected PSTN is functioning normally.

When fitted with an i-sd02 the i-on50EX provides options A, B and C at Grade 2 as noted in Table 10 of EN50131-1:2006+A1:2009.

Third party testing carried out by Anpi.


  • Model: i-on50EX
  • Shipping Weight: 5 kgs
  • Manufactured by: Scantronic
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